The alarm always goes off at the end of the time! Why?

iPhone and Android

If Sleep Cycle cannot wake you during light sleep, it will automatically wake you at the end of the wake-up window.

For example, if you’ve set your alarm to wake you between 7:15 am and 7:45 am:

  • At 7:10 am, you’re almost awake but slip into a new sleep cycle just before the wake-up phase begins, and by 7:35 am, you’re in deep sleep.
  • Since the alarm must go off by 7:45 am (the end of your wake-up window), Sleep Cycle will wake you up during deep sleep if your wake-up window doesn’t align with your sleep cycle.

This can happen, and if it occurs frequently, try adjusting your wake-up window (shorter or longer) or changing the time you set the alarm for.

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