I have an iPhone and get flatlines or crashes.

Are you getting a flatline graph in your sleep graph, or even worse, does your sleep cycle crash while sleeping? That, also, is a flat line.


We recommend troubleshooting this first before you contact us since you can usually fix it yourself.


 Steps to Fix It Yourself

1. Close Other Apps

Don’t run other apps, such as podcasts, YouTube, or music, while using Sleep Cycle. These can block the microphone, preventing proper analysis and causing a flatline or crash. Close all other apps and try again.

2. Disconnect Bluetooth Devices

Bluetooth gadgets can interfere with the microphone and speaker. Disconnect them and test again. The one exception? Wearables like the Apple Watch are fine to use.

3. Check Your Storage

It might crash if your iPhone has less than 5 GB of free space. Deleting unnecessary files will free up storage, so try again.

4. Check Your Phone Placement

If you’re using the accelerometer (instead of the microphone) to track sleep, make sure your phone is in your bed, not on the nightstand. Otherwise, it won’t detect your movements correctly.


If you’ve tried all of the above and are still experiencing issues, email us at support@sleepcycle.com, and we’ll be happy to assist you further.

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