Sleep Cycle and Phillips Hue Integration

Sleep Cycle iOS integrates with Phillips Hue. 
This feature is not yet available for Android users.
How to connect your iPhone with Philips Hue?
To connect with Philips Hue you simply open our application and go to the Profile tab > Scroll down to Philips Hue > Enable it here and it should connect to your Hue lamp.

Sometimes you have to press the paring button on your Philips Hue bridge when connecting to our application to pair the bridge with our app.

A few extra things to have in mind:
1. Make sure you have the latest iOS version and the latest Philips Hue and Sleep cycle app version.
2. If you are connected to a VPN, please disable the VPN connection as we can't connect to your lamp if you are connected to a VPN.
3. Make sure you are connected to wifi as the connection is via your wifi.

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