How To Cancel a Premium Subscription

We can’t cancel your subscription. Your subscription is tied to your Apple or Google ID. Hence, only you can cancel your subscription. However, we can guide you and show you how it’s done. Please continue, and we’ll have this sorted out in no time.

Please note, deleting the app will NOT cancel your subscription. You can delete the app, but the subscription will remain until you follow the instructions listed below: 


On iOS devices  

  • Go to your iOS Settings. 
  • Find and click on your name. It’s right there, at the top of the page. 
  • Then, click on Subscriptions.
  • From this view, you can now cancel and manage your subscriptions.


On Android devices

  • Open Google Play. 
  • Open the main menu. It’s located at the top right corner, a round icon with a letter in it.
  • Click on Payments and Subscriptions.
  • Click on Subscriptions
  • Click on Sleep Cycle. 
  • From here, you’ll be able to cancel and manage your subscription.


Purchases made on Sleep Cycle’s website 

To cancel this subscription, you go via our own web service. Log in here: and you will be able to manage the subscription.

If you can't see Sleep Cycle in the subscription list, or if there is no cancel button, it means that you have already canceled/or never started a subscription.


On Huawei

If you are a Huawei user and have installed Sleep Cycle via their AppGallery and started a subscription, this has to be canceled via their platform.

Go to the phone Settings > Account center > Payment and purchases > Subscriptions/Password-free payments.

Alternatively, open AppGallery, and go to Me > Account center > Payment and purchases > Subscriptions/Password-free payments. Touch the app you wish to stop the auto-renewal for, and touch CANCEL SUBSCRIPTION.

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